RES label Portfolio
This portfolio has been made in the context of the Research and Teaching label of the Université Grenoble Alpes, often shortened as RES label in french. Labels of the UGA were implemented in order to offer a coherent set of courses, tutorial and formal training to PhD students for their future career whether in academia or in the industry. This portfolio is a personal document, that aims at describing what “teaching” means to me, and how the actual hours spent in the classroom and in training shaped my way of teaching, either volontarily, or not. From september 2017 to december 2019, my teaching load summed to 136 hours in L1 and L2 (first and second year students at the university), and are summarized in the table below. A more precise feedback on those courses will be introduced later.
Term | Formation name | Number of hours |
Sep.-Dec. 2017 | Statistical Methods for Biology. L2 Biology | 36 |
Jan.-May 2018 | Calculus and Computations. L1 Maths, CompSci and Humanities | 20 |
Sep.-Dec. 2018 | Statistical Methods for Biology. L2 Biology | 36 |
Sep.-Dec. 2018 | Geometry and Algebra. L1 Physics, Chem., Meca., Maths | 28 |
Sep.-Dec. 2018 | Statistical Methods for Biology. L2 Biology | 18 |
All my teaching has been about mathematics and statistics, sometimes applied on computers thus probably introducing a bias of some form in my experience as a teacher. In addition to the courses, I participated in different doctoral training, directly linked to the teaching methods.
Name of the training | Hours |
Teaching and Dominations | 18 |
An introduction to the teacher-researcher job (Autrans) | 21 |
Dealing with different behaviours in the classroom | 21 |
In this portfolio, I will first discuss the role of the teacher/lecturer at the university from my personal experience. Afterward,
Teaching from a personal point of view
Teaching ?
What does it mean to teach students ? For me, the definition would be: As a “specialist” in a certain field, how to transmit the essential elements of a certain curriculum so that the students are competent enough to get a passing grade for the course and be able to tackle autonomously harder challenges of the curriculum”. This definition highlights two different objectives, often linked:
- Courses at the university have to be graded in order to measure in a sense the level of knowledge acquired by the students.
- Courses are building blocks that help students define their own academic interest, and prepare them for their future career, in academia, the private sector or other.
In that sense, I judge important the fact that the course material could should aim at developing core competences, and intuition as well.
My own experience as a student One particular fact about my own
experience, is that before enrolling as a PhD student at the UGA, I have never been part of the classical french university. After my Baccalauréat, I spent two years in CPGE, then two years in an “École d’Ingénieurs”. Afterward, to complete my engineering degree, I enrolled for a double-degree at DTU (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet) in Denmark. Those three different establishments carried three different teaching methods
Different teaching methods
Portfolio: Label RES
Définition de preuve
- se baser sur les référentiels
- Trace: marque laissée par une action
- Preuve: Traces + Commentaire
- questionnaires MAT104
- exercices facultatifs
- correction des partiels
- séance question/réponse (élèves d’autres groupes sont venus) *