
Sep.-Dec. 2017Statistical Methods for Biology. L2 BiologyUGA36h
Jan.-May 2017Calculus and computations. L1 MIASHSUGA20h
Sep.-Dec. 2018Statistical Methods for Biology. L2 BiologyUGA36h
Sep.-Dec. 2018Geometry and Algebra. L1 Physics, Chem., Meca., Maths (PCMM)UGA28h
Sep.-Dec. 2019Statistical Methods for Biology. L2 BiologyUGA18h
138h of teaching between September 2017 and December 2019

TA in Geometry and Algebra for Physics students

Undergraduate course, Université Grenoble-Alpes, DLST, 2018


Enable the students to strengthen their knowledge in mathematics, in order to be able to perform mathematically rigorous proofs on concepts they are bound to use in their physics studies. My role was to help students through lectures and exercises sessions to acquire the required knowledges on Geometry and Algebra. This amounted to 28 hours during the fall semester of 2018. Read more

TA in Calculus and Computations

Undergraduate course, Université Grenoble-Alpes, DLST, 2018


Build a mathematical ground, and introduce notions of calculus for students in their cursus of Mathematics and Computer science applied to Social sciences and Economy. My role was to help students, through exercises sessions, to acquire the required knowledges on calculus and scientific computations. This represented 20 hours during the spring semester of 2018. Read more

TA in Statistical Methods for Biology (STA301)

Undergraduate course, Université Grenoble-Alpes, DLST, 2017


The objective for the students if to acquire and apply classical tools of descriptive statistics, and decisional statistics and its application in biology, using R. My tasks were to help students to reach a basic level of proficiency in the programming language R, in order for them to perform autonomously simple statistical analysis and tests. In addition to that, I graded the students based on their lab exams. I took care in total of 90 hours of lab sessions (5 classes), through the fall semesters of 2017 to 2019. Read more